Our annual awards banquet is back, celebrating the great accomplishments of SVCC teams this year and the great work of our volunteers. Tickets are available...
The playoff schedule is now available on the Member Leagues Schedules page. Or, if you prefer you can take a look right here.
Come one, come all to celebrate Andrew’s retirement after 46 years!
The Past President’s Brunch took place on November 5th. We had a great turnout and it was wonderful to see everyone together again!
The 8th Annual Larry Jones Junior Classic was held at the club this past weekend, September 29th to October 2nd. This year’s women’s champions are...
Welcome St. Vital curlers to the 2022-23 season!
The 2022 SAGM is coming up on September 14th at 7:30pm. Full team fees are due by the end of the meeting.