
Passing of HLM and Ice Maker Don Atkinson
December 06, 2020

Passing of HLM and Ice Maker Don Atkinson

Heaven has gained a fantastic Ice Maker and an extremely valued Honorary Life Member. Don you will be dearly missed. 🥌

2020 Raffle Tickets
December 06, 2020

2020 Raffle Tickets

2021 Past Presidents Brunch
November 14, 2020

2021 Past Presidents Brunch

The 2021 Past President's Brunch took place on November 13th. Great to see everyone is doing well!

COVID-19 Temporary Closure
October 31, 2020

COVID-19 Temporary Closure

AGM/SAGM & Membership Night
August 27, 2020

AGM/SAGM & Membership Night

Passing of Past President Ed Pratcshler
August 12, 2020

Passing of Past President Ed Pratcshler

In this time of the pandemic we have regretfully failed to announce the passing of Ed Pratcshler, past president of the St Vital Curling Club...

2020 AGM Postponement
April 14, 2020

2020 AGM Postponement

Hello Members,Every spring, we look forward to connecting with our members at St. Vital Curling and sharing information and our vision for the future that...

Club Closure for COVID-19
March 16, 2020

Club Closure for COVID-19

Team McDonald Virtual Send Off
March 15, 2020

Team McDonald Virtual Send Off

Unfortunately due to COVID-19 precautions Virtual donations will be accepted byeTransfer to John Neuert at jeneuert@mymts.netOR Tracy McDonald at tracy.mcdonald@shaw.caSilent Auction and 50/50 draws=================================================The 2020...